Saturday, November 4, 2017

How to upload profile picture frame to Facebook?

Upload Facebook profile picture frame
Being a most trafficked social media, Facebook is adding lots of new features and services to its users. The latest update on Facebook lets us create Facebook profile picture frame which is totally first and unique feature among competitive social media. Not only the verified pages, but also any Facebook user who can create frame can upload profile picture frame to Facebook.

Profile picture frames are generally created to show support towards events, persons, sports etc. In my view, this feature can also be utilized as an alternative to Facebook page promotion as well as for personal branding on Facebook. If any of the frames created by Facebook page is related to current situations, festivals and sports, it obviously gains higher popularity thereby increasing page views, engagements and likes. So, this feature of Facebook plays a vital role to promote pages in every nook and corners of the targeted place. To be honest, one of my Facebook pages had got 150+ likes in a single day just because of the frame I had created. This is not a great number, however, it cannot be neglected in the case of an elementary page. In addition, this promoting method is better than the '1 like 1 pray for a cancer patient' method, wrong?

 Also read: How to create a simple profile picture Frame from Photoshop?

 This is not the time that the Facebook launched 'Profile picture frame' feature, but when one of my friends asked me about this, I was inspired to write this post, several months after Facebook launched this feature. Luckily, uploading profile picture frame to Facebook is as easy as uploading profile picture; just upload, customize, adjust and done. The steps below are meant for desktop only, I don't know whether this option is available in the smartphone app or not. And, here I go to the solution for what the title asked.


Step 1: Go to and log into your account through which you want to create a frame.

Step 2: I assume you have successfully signed in to your account and homepage is just in front of you. Now it's time to find 'Create a Frame' link, it is usually found somewhere in the first (left) column under 'Explore' section. In my case, it is below 'Pokes'. Click on 'Create frame' button.
Create a Facebook profile picture frame

Step 3: It will drive you to a new page with many instructions provided on it. Click on the large 'Create frame' button. And select 'Get started' from the small pop-up window.

Step 4: Now it shows a floating window with the responsive checkers on different devices. Click on 'Upload Art' icon and provide the location / path of your frame from your computer or you can just drag and drop a frame to the screen.
Upload Fb frame

Step 5: Adjust the frame to the desired place. It is best to make it full screen so that it will fit all the screen resolutions. Remove background, if necessary.

Step 6: After all set. Click 'Next'. This will take you to 'details' section. Provide a name for your frame. And under advanced section, you can see 'Schedule' option. This option lets you control the time period on which your frame is displayed on Facebook after the frame gets approved. If you want to publicize your frame immediately after approval, tick on 'Make active right away' and if you want to set start and end date, you can do it with another option provided. I usually choose it 'Make active right away' so that it remains visible on Facebook forever.
Upload Facebook profile picture frame

Step 7: At the bottom of the 'detail' section, you can see 'Keywords' option where you can add up to 10 keywords. What actually are keywords? Keywords are simply the words that match the type of frame (effect) you have uploaded. Keywords are very important to show up your frame on Facebook frame search results. So, providing at least five keywords will be beneficial to search ranking. Also, this helps to increase frame uses to the next level. Remember that keywords must follow Facebook Camera Effect platform's terms and policies.
Upload fb profile frame

Step 8: After selecting 'Next', select the owner for the frame. It shows two owners option to choose from; one you yourself and another, the names of the pages you manage. You can select it according to your desire. And press 'Next'. This will take you to the preview section.

Step 9: Review all the steps. Read and accept the policies and terms and finally click 'Publish'. After submission, all we can do is to wait until the frame gets approved. It generally takes 2 to 3 working days to get notification of approval. Luckily, My frames were approved within a day and sometimes within 10 hours. You will get Facebook notification from Facebook once your frame gets approved.

 After the frame gets approved, it goes live on Facebook (if you have not scheduled), that is, your frame is visible when someone searches certain keywords (related to your frame) to find Profile picture frame. This frame can also be used in association with Facebook live videos. When someone uses your frame, the frame along with owner name appears just below the user's profile picture as "Update your profile picture with this frame from owner name". So, this feature is going to gather popularity of your pages or you yourself.


Q. How to know if someone uses your frame?
A. You can easily manage, analyze uses and edit the frame at
      or you can do it simply by navigating Create a Frame > Manage.

Q. Can I create another frame?
A. Yes. You can create many frames using the same method.

 Those were the simple steps to upload Facebook profile picture frame. To know about creating simple (Very simple, I think) frame from Photoshop, follow this link. And feel free to comment in the comment section below. If this post is share-worthy, share it with your friends too.

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